What’s On?

In addition to the events listed below, the following markets are held weekly:

Friday Market – Wallingford Market Place

Saturday Local Producers Market – Wallingford Market Place – more information at: www.wlpm.org.uk

Further information about local Wallingford events can be found at the following websites: www.wallingford.co.uk www.wallingfordmuseum.org.uk

Wallingford has a Theatre & Cinema, visit the website below to find out what’s on www.cornexchange.org.uk

To receive news about Wallingford direct to your inbox visit www.wallingford.co.uk/signup 


Our opening weekend, 14th – 16th February 2025 sees the Wallingford Blues and Jazz festival take over the town. The programme is shaping up nicely so do keep an eye on the website for further updates on who you can catch where over the weekend. Wallingford Winter Blues and Jazz (wallywinterbluesnjazz.co.uk)



Wallingford’s hugely popular vehicle rally and parade takes place on Sunday 11th May. A fabulous range of 300 cars (plus the odd confused delivery driver) will travel around the town before displaying on the Kinecroft. There’s plenty to do as well as looking at the cars with activities and delicious food on offer too. A brilliant day out with all donations going towards keeping the rally going and local community groups and charities.



Wallingford Carnival is back on Saturday 14th June 2025. Watch the parade and spend the afternoon on the Kinecroft.




A 20 minute bus ride from the site, the world renowned Henley Royal Regatta takes place July 2nd to 6th July.

Henley Festival follows hot on the heels of the Regatta. Stay at Bridge Villa and taxi to a fabulous evening of music and entertainment but make sure to book your cab back again! Keep an eye here for the lineup.


BunkFest! Wallingford’s finest weekend is back 29th August to 31st August 2025. Bridge Villa is fully booked as a weekend of the best entertainment (and beer) is guaranteed. Do please come along to this event, entry is free although the donations collected raise vital funds to run the festival and support the many local community groups and charities which volunteer and benefit from proceeds. Such a great weekend! www.bunkfest.co.uk.


Run by Wallingford 1155 and the award winning Illusion Fireworks, join us on the 1st November to wonder at the amazing fireworks displays. The fireworks are held on the Kinecroft – food and drink available too. There is a suggested donation which goes towards keeping the event going and supporting many local groups and charities. Keep up to date with event details by checking here. Book a pitch at Bridge Villa and avoid the traffic trying to get home!




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